Google’s SEO Tips
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Google's software engineer Matt Cutts gives hints on how the Google search engine giant works, essential knowledge for online marketers. Stern PR Marketing™, a marketing firm Omaha provider, is dedicated to internet marketing education. To help keep fellow Omaha SEO Strategists in the know, herein is a transcription of Cutts' webmaster video comments. In a November 2013 Youtube.com post, Cutts offers Google SEO Tips. Here's a transcript of his reply: What are the top 3-5 SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes? How can we do better on those? Really good question. A lot of people might expect super advanced stuff, but I’m going to give you what the biggest mistakes are by volume. This is just Wiz and I, Wiz is recording this, we were brainstorming for a couple minutes before we made this video. The biggest mistake…