Small Business Feels Pain – Craig’s List HTML Link Removal
Craig's List Kills HTML Tags "Craig's List Removes HTML Links - Bad for Small Business" is a highly popular online article gathering over 3,000 national reads since our exterior Stern PR Omaha blog published it on March 9, 2014. So, we're revisiting the issue here with updates. For years, Craig's List allowed realtors, photographers and other small businesses to post rich, HTML advertising copy in ads that linked back to their websites. The ads were great for Google Ranking (SEO) and link-building. In the beginning of 2014, Craigslist rolled out universal changes, completely removing the ability to post professional-looking html-generated image ads that live link to a website. Now all you can do is post text copy and add images. You can not add a workable URL that takes visitors to your website. These unannounced changes frustrate…