Attn: Website Owners – Google Will Soon Shame Unencrypted Websites
[vc_row][vc_column][heading animation_iteration="1" align="aligncenter"]Google To Label HTTP Websites as "Unsafe" [/heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]By Susan Stern -- Google wants to make the world wide web safer. It is not shy to take the lead. Google has announced that everybody with a website should add HTTP Encryption - even those that don't take credit cards. "HTTPS Everywhere" - Is the name of Google's campaign, underway now, to force every website and blog to switch to secured encryption. Switching your website from HTTP to HTTPs will essentially encrypt your website contact form that a customer fills out. HTTPS encryption also means that the username/password your marketer types to log into the website's back-end will also be more secure - turning the keystrokes to gibberish. "HTTPS Everywhere" is meant to protect websites from hackers who might…