Strict Yelp Review Policy – Don’t Ask
By Susan Stern -- The social media review giant has one of the strictest terms and conditions on the internet. So, if your in-house marketer or outside public relations consultant is asking customers for Yelp reviews with a link to do so, you'll want to carefully consider what you're doing. "It's clearly unethical when a business offers incentives like a discount or contest entry to write a review. That creates bias, and a conflict of interest. But Yelp's policy banning asking your customers for online review feedback goes too far," notes Omaha marketing firm consultant Susan Stern. Here is a graphic we produced of Yelp's terms and conditions: [caption id="attachment_8489" align="aligncenter" width="603"] Click to Zoom In[/caption] Without a doubt, a business should never offer cash-for-reviews, discounts or contest entries. Doing…