Craig’s List Kills HTML Tags

“Craig’s List Removes HTML Links – Bad for Small Business” is a highly popular online article gathering over 3,000 national reads since our exterior Stern PR Omaha blog published it on March 9, 2014. So, we’re revisiting the issue here with updates. For years, Craig’s List allowed realtors, photographers and other small businesses to post rich, HTML advertising copy in ads that linked back to their websites. The ads were great for Google Ranking (SEO) and link-building.

In the beginning of 2014, Craigslist rolled out universal changes, completely removing the ability to post professional-looking html-generated image ads that live link to a website. Now all you can do is post text copy and add images. You can not add a workable URL that takes visitors to your website. These unannounced changes frustrate many small businesses that already face stiff competition online from corporations with deep pockets.

Here are some business owner comments on our Omaha marketing blog:

Ever since CL took away the ability to embed my photos, I have not had any inquiries for my services! Casper Dawson – Wedding and Portrait Photographer

It’s my opinion that CL will ultimately screw themselves out of traffic and possible business opportunities with these outrageous limitations. Meanwhile, more flexible sites like Backpage will benefit greatly. EOFindZon – Graphic Design Company Owner

Evening the playing field is a poor argument from Craigslist if that is what they’re trying to do. They’ve definitely hurt small businesses who don’t have the marketing budget of the large corporations. xiongmao12In-home Certified Daycare Company

Why did Craig’s List Remove HTML Links?

The word is that Craig’s List wanted to create a level playing field for people lacking economic resources or knowledge to create custom ads in HTML code. We say, “who cares,” and “so what,” if some Craig’s list advertisers are more savvy than others. It’s our view that the changes hurt small companies and independent contractors on a limited budget.

“For years, the free advertising on Craig’s List with live link capability was a dream come true for small business and freelancers. We don’t like the policy changes and think it hurts small companies who already face fierce competition from medium and large-size companies who have endless marketing budgets allowing these entities to more easily achieve 1st page Google ranking,”  said Stern, owner of Stern PR™, a marketing firm Omaha provider.

Share Your Voice | Take A Poll Or Comment

To write a comment or vote in the Craig’s List HTML change poll, visit the original article, here.

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